Sybron endo gauge medium body
Sybron endo gauge medium body

WOG is manufactured using a specific thermal treatment, consisting of heating-annealing cycles applied after milling, in contrast to the premanufacturing heat treatment that is used for M-Wire production. WaveOne Gold (WOG) (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) is a single-file reciprocating system with parallelogram cross-sectional design, two cutting edges the set consists of four instruments (20/07, 25/07, 35/06 and 45/05).

sybron endo gauge medium body

Reciprocating motion is an innovation in nickel–titanium (NiTi) systems that claims to reduce the incidence of instrument fracture 10. Thermal treatment is one of the approaches toward adjusting the transition temperature in NiTi alloy, which influences the flexibility and fatigue resistance of NiTi instruments 4. In recent years, root canal instruments have been introduced in the market with lot of improvements in the instrument design, manufacturing process and kinematics to reduce the incidence of instrument fracture 4, 9. Various surface defects, such as pitting, metal flash and grinding marks on the instrument may act as stress concentration points, which reduces the resistance to fatigue fracture 6, 7, 8. However, the disadvantage of NiTi instrument is unexpected instrument fracture 4, which compromises the root canal disinfection 5. Nickel-titanium (NiTi) instruments have become popular in endodontics because of their greater flexibility compared to stainless steel instruments, which results in fewer procedural errors 1, 3. It involves removal of pulpal tissue and infected dentin, reducing microbial count, creating access for irrigants and intracanal medicament delivery and optimizing root canal system for root canal filling materials 1, 2. Root canal preparation is a central step in endodontic therapy, which influences the success of the procedure. WOG files showed more surface deterioration and less passive layer formation as compared to TFA and XPS systems. XRD exhibited NiTi phases with diffraction peaks.

sybron endo gauge medium body

High resolution of Ti 2p spectrum show distinctive peaks with binding energies dominating in WOG, XPS and TFA file system. Raman peak at 540–545 cm −1 is attributed to Cr 2O 3. Ni 2+ concentration from WOG was 171.2 μg/L. SEM of WOG instrument showed scraping surface defects. XPS file system showed minimal grooves on surface. After allocating scan line shifts like in WOG, mechanical deformation was shown using first order polynomials.

sybron endo gauge medium body

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis was done before and after use. Ni 2+ release was measured at 1, 3, 5 and 7 days.

sybron endo gauge medium body

Nanoindentation was carried out to characterize surface topography. File morphology was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy X-ray diffraction analysis was performed before and after use along with Raman spectroscopy. Standardized in vitro shaping was performed in presence of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. To evaluate structural profiles and mechanical behaviour of WaveOne Gold (WOG), Twisted File Adaptive (TFA) and XP-endo shaper (XPS) instruments after root canal preparation.

Sybron endo gauge medium body