- #Science citation index journal list how to
- #Science citation index journal list verification
- #Science citation index journal list download
- #Science citation index journal list free
This approach is used in the framework of expanding possibilities of access to Web of Science and its functional capacity. It is a relatively new database platform it integrates with a large number of Clarivate products. After the registration, the user enters his personal Web of Science account. This is a standard procedure, that does not require any type of payment. Please take into consideration, that in order to use all the functions of Master Journal List, it is required to register a personal profile.
#Science citation index journal list download
All data is available for download in Excel format. It encompasses data on the list of journals that are indexed in Web of Science, including collections and citation indexes, as well as information about Journal Citation Reports. It is worth paying attention to the "Download" tab besides panels of Master Journal List: "Search Journal" and "Manuscript Matcher", which were personalized above.

Web of Science: the database of editions for download The list of journals can be filtered by the usage of the options on the sidebar by: citation index, business model, knowledge category, country, language, etc. The system will display a list of relevant publications for the publication of the article.Enter the information about the article: a title (at least 10 words) and an abstract (at least 100 words).Select the appropriate function on the top panel of the platform.In order to select an edition of a publication in accordance with your scientific article, use the "Manuscript Matcher" to Master Journal List. But what steps are to be taken, if the scientist does not have a composed list of relevant journals? In such a case, it is required to use another function of Master Journal List - "Manuscript Matcher". It is worth pointing out, that this type of search is very useful only if the researcher knows specifically which editions he is focusing on. For instance, there is information concerning the year, in which the journal began to be published, the number of its publications per year, Web of Science collections, in which it is indexed, and the peculiarities of its reviewing.
#Science citation index journal list free
#Science citation index journal list verification
In addition to it, such a verification gives a clear understanding of such points: If the system displays a journal in the search results, it is indexed in Web of Science. It is required to indicate the ISSN of the edition or its name and perform search. Such analytics are mandatory for researchers to select the most relevant journal for the publication. The first and one of the most important functions of Master Journal List is a verification of an indexing in Web of Science.
#Science citation index journal list how to
How to find out if there is a journal in Web of Science?

Let's take a look at how to use it effectively and facilitate search for the appropriate journal to publish on Web of Science. In fact, Master Journal List is an important and required platform for every researcher to analyze a scientific journal. Some scientists are often mistaken in assuming, that this resource has a limited set of tools. Platform Master Journal List provides users with a basic set of functions to find the necessary edition and check its indexing in Web of Science for free.