Nu mou white mage
Nu mou white mage

  • Tanks will possess defensive buffs that can be applied to all party members.
  • All four tank jobs (including gunbreaker) will be viable as MT and OT:.
  • Adjustments will be made to account for the main and off tank roles:.
  • The synergy of the new dancer job will be emphasized.
  • nu mou white mage

    Debuffs reducing slashing, blunt, and piercing resistances will be removed.The effectiveness of synergies between certain jobs will be reduced.In order to address rigid party composition and the perception that certain jobs are essential:.The HP of a barrier shielding a party member will be displayed in the party list.The rate at which the limit gauge fills will be adjusted (for 5.0 and later regions only).

    nu mou white mage

    The party bonus will be adjusted (to account for the number of players filling a given role).This is to account for future damage inflation. Chain bonuses will be removed from dungeons (in order to standardize EXP gain).Battle system calculations will be adjusted and changed.Various other changes will be made to improve overall usability:.From 5.0 and beyond, actions will be shared actions designed for use with multiple pets. Actions for pets designed to function as tanks (Titan-egi, Topaz Carbuncle) will be revised.Pet actions will be re-categorized as player actions.Pet actions will be removed from the pet hotbar.

    #Nu mou white mage Pc

    Pets will no longer be affected by enemy attacks or PC actions.Pet management and usage will be revised:.Weekly token gear, as well as savage accessories and belts will have two materia slots.Main attribute increasing materia will no longer be obtainable.Main attribute increasing materia melded to existing equipment will be revised to have no beneficial effects.Main attribute increasing materia will no longer be meldable:.The attributes for all accessories will be revised.The difficulty in gearing up will be adjusted for each role:.TP will be removed, and affected actions will be revised so that they may be used more freely.The piety attribute will be adjusted in accordance with this change (Piety will remain and attribute that only affects healer roles).An upper limit on MP will be set at 10,000 MP.MP will be capped and TP will be eliminated:.The number of available actions will be adjusted:.New role actions will be automatically obtained upon reaching the required level.As par of the general action review, role actions will be revised to set abilities:.Tanks and ranged DPS will receive role actions for this purpose.Actions that can be interrupted will be more easily discernible.

    nu mou white mage

    PvE’s “Silence” status effect will be incorporated into this new system.Interrupt enemy actions to turn the tide of battle:.Charges may be consumed to use an action whenever you want.Actions will gain an additional charge as the recast timer cycles.Charges will build until reaching a maximum limit.Actions will gain charges for later use.New actions designed for more versatile usage:.Housing furnishing placement preview to be added.Cross-world Linkshells to be expanded to eight channels.The first addition of a new theme: Light Skin.Learn more about the world and lore of the First.Hone your skills as you progress through the story of the Crystalline Mean.For Disciples of the Land: The Facets of Gathering and Fishing.For Disciples of the Hand: The Facets of Forging, Crafting, and Nourishment.Stories centered on the Crystarium and a collective of artisans:.All jobs will have a new quest available at level 80.New jobs will have quests from level 60 to 70.One quest line must be completed to advance the main scenario:.Physical DPS / Magical DPS / Tank / Healer.Retrace the journeys of the First’s fallen heroes.Four sets of role quests will be added:.

    nu mou white mage

  • Intended to facilitate leveling of multiple jobs.
  • Enemies will be scaled to player level when accepting side quests.
  • All 5.0 side quests can be undertaken at level 70.
  • Side quests in new regions will be level-synced:.
  • Unique tokens will be implemented that can be exchanged for these rewards at specialty shops.
  • Additional requirements must be met to unlock certain rewards.

  • Nu mou white mage